A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Activities Workbook & Answer Key – A middle school learning object, workbooks contain foundational activities and puzzles such as word searches, crosswords, and matching exercises related to the lesson’s content.
Adaptations – In eSchoolware, administrators or advisors can select to enforce adaptations for a student’s course enrollment. Adaptations can be set at the question level, answer level, or both. Selecting “adaptation questions” reduces the number of questions a student will see per assessment, if applicable. Selecting “adaptation answers” reduces the available answer stems to choose from for a student on any given multiple-choice question. These settings can be applied or removed at any time within a student’s course enrollment.
Annotation – This feature of the Text-to-Speech tool “SpeechStream” allows students to use a digital marker in various colors to highlight the text within a lesson page. Students can also compile their highlights to group information by color as a study aid.
Assessment – Assessments are one of the two types of the graded activities within eSchoolware which measure a student’s understanding of the concepts from a lesson, unit, or course.
- Middle School Assessments – Students are delivered their daily assessments in an interactive, visually stimulating game format. Summative assessments, such as quizzes and exams, are given in a conventional test format.
- High School Assessments – Students are tested in their eCourses through a variety of assessment types, including lesson assessments, quizzes, writing assignments, speaking assignments, project assignments, and exams.
Career & Technical Education (CTE) – This career-focused course type offers pathways to prepare students for industry credentials, engage in career exploration, and learn about new and emerging technologies.
Competency Based - This self-paced course type requires that students demonstrate mastery of the concepts of a lesson before they can progress to the next lesson. These courses provide a self-remediating performance monitoring system.
Course Introduction Announcement – This welcome announcement is posted by Edison Virtual Instructors to help students start the course. This announcement contains information about your instructor, their contact information, their policies, what you can expect from them, and an academic integrity statement.
Course Map – In both Course Player and MyDay, a student can access previous lessons through the Course Map. The Course Map provides a comprehensive view of the units, lessons, and key summative assessments within a course part.
Course Player – Students engage in this dynamic and gamified content delivery system to access high school eCourses and their corresponding learning activities and assessments.
Credit Recovery - Developed as truncated versions of their corresponding Competency Based eCourses, these courses still require students to demonstrate mastery of the concepts addressed in a lesson before progressing to the next set of objectives. Comprehensive quizzes and unit exams ensure that students are rigorously assessed on all concepts in the course.
Critical Concepts - This course type is designed to address key skills and is perfect for boot camps or intensive remediation. The content meets students where they are, offering skills reinforcement, remediation on essential concepts they haven’t yet mastered, or a subject matter refresher before students enter a higher-level math or ELA course.
Cyber Essentials – This onboarding mini-course is available for all student users. Students learn how to navigate the eSchoolware platform, how to progress in their eCourses, and how to be a safe and successful digital learner.
Demonstration – (called Gizmos in the catalog) These additional interactive simulations appear in some math and science lessons to power inquiry and understanding of the concepts in the lesson. Each Gizmo includes both a manipulative activity and corresponding formative assessment items.
Diagnostic Assessments – Diagnostic assessments can be assigned as a pre-test to applicable eCourses. These assessments allow a student to test out of lessons by demonstrating mastery of the lesson’s objectives through corresponding system-graded questions.
Dual Enrollment – This course type allows high school students to enroll in college-level courses from accredited universities and potentially earn credit towards high school graduation and a degree simultaneously.
eSchoolware – eSchoolware is the digital learning platform where eCourses are delivered; where students, educators, and administrators interact; and where academic records are managed and reported.
Essential Instruction – The main content and instruction of an eCourse lesson is found here. Students are encouraged to complete the embedded exercises by using interactive drawing and text tools.
Enrichment - The Enrichment page, found in middle school eCourses, encourages students to take their thinking beyond the content of the lesson.
Exam - This summative assessment appears at the end of a unit or part and tests the student's mastery of all the concepts for that portion of the course. Exams may consist of system- or teacher-graded questions, or a combination of both.
Extension – The Extension page, found in high school eCourses, presents enrichment activities related to the Essential Instruction concepts, to extend the students’ thinking or provide an opportunity for reflection on their learning.
Foundation - Foundation eCourses contain fewer lessons than Competency-Based eCourses and are designed to prepare students to control their own learning while ensuring that students master the foundational skills and knowledge that are critical building blocks for upper-level courses.
Forums – Also called Discussion Boards, forums enable asynchronous collaboration tied to any eCourse. In eSchoolware, teachers can create Forum folders and posts which students can respond to for group discussion, debate, and collaboration.
Gizmos – see Demonstration
Grade-to-Date (Running Total) – This is the current grade for a student in an eCourse based on the assessments which have been submitted and graded in the course thus far.
Hear More, See More, Do More – These learning objects are included in Middle School eCourses and direct students to resources that address the content of the lesson through different modalities.
Honors - In this course type, students are pushed to apply their understanding of the concepts in each lesson to rigorous performance-based assessments, projects, and conceptual activities. These courses are the perfect fit for students wishing to extend their understanding of a particular subject.
Instructional Video – Included in most of the high school eCourse lessons, Instructional Videos present the concepts from the Essential Instruction through a different mode of learning.
Instructor Guide – Designed for the teachers of Middle School eCourses, this document reviews all the lesson elements and provides teachers with extended activities for teachers to complete with students.
Learning Object – The term for a component of an eCourse lesson. Learning Objects include lesson pages such as the Essential Instruction and Reteach, as well as toolbar items such as Instructional Videos, Textbooks, and Demonstrations.
Lesson Assessment - This assessment appears at the end of a lesson and tests the student's mastery of the objectives for the lesson. Lesson assessments are typically system graded.
Lesson Video – Often the first learning object in a Middle School eCourse, the lesson video contains information that will help to strengthen knowledge of the lesson content and focuses on key subject-specific information.
Markup Tools – Markup Tools enable interaction with eCourse content for eCourses in which they are enabled. The tools include text, drawing, highlighting, and other annotation tools. Markup can be saved to the lesson to revisit.
MyDay – Students engage in this dynamic and gamified content delivery system to access middle school eCourses and their corresponding learning activities and assessments.
Need to Know – This High School learning object presents prerequisite information and summarizes information related to the given lesson.
Non-Running Total – This is the grade in an eCourse if zeros were applied to all unfinished assignments.
Notepad – Both the Course Player and MyDay content delivery systems include a Notepad tool which allows students to take notes within their eCourse lesson and save those notes for future review.
Participation Assignments - These assessments appear at designated points throughout the course. Students are scored based on their completion of the assignment rather than its accuracy.
Personalized Live Instruction – Sometimes referred to as tutoring, Personalized Live Instruction sessions are available through Edison Virtual Learning for students enrolled in any eCourse taught by an Edison instructor. Students can request Personalized Live Instruction by messaging, emailing, or calling their instructor. Sessions will be scheduled at a mutually agreed upon time between the student and instructor.
Project Assignments - These assessments appear at designated points throughout the course and ask the student to demonstrate their understanding of the concepts through project-based work. These assessment types may consist of system- or teacher-graded questions, or a combination of both.
Project-Based – This engaging course type challenges students to demonstrate mastery through action projects.
Progress Tests – Progress Test assessments can be assigned to applicable eCourses as pre- and post-assessments. Students receive system-graded questions aligned to the concepts of the course. Educators can use Progress Tests to provide benchmark data regarding their student’s performance and learning gains over time.
Quiz - This summative assessment appears at designated points throughout the course to test the student's understanding of multiple lessons and objectives. Quizzes may consist of system- or teacher-graded questions, or a combination of both.
Reading Guide – This learning object accompanies an assigned reading within an eCourse and provides a combination of comprehension and critical thinking questions that guide students through assigned reading in a lesson.
Reteach - The Reteach page clarifies and further explains the information found in the Essential Instruction learning object.
Review - This summative assessment appears at the end of a unit or part and is meant to help students review the content before completing a summative quiz or exam. Review assessments are typically system graded.
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) – This course type promotes youth empowerment and soft skill development. Through 10 modules, students develop the skills and resiliency to feel better, accomplish more, and create the life that they want.
Speaking Assignments - These assessments appear at designated points throughout the course and ask the student to demonstrate their understanding of the concepts through spoken work. These assessment types may consist of system- or teacher-graded questions, or a combination of both.
Syllabus – Each eCourse has a course part syllabus which includes a course description, course goals, key assignment, and other important information regarding the course content and assessments.
Textbook and Textbook Answer Key - Provides supplementary information related to the concepts covered in the Essential Instruction.
Text-to-Speech – The SpeechStream text-to-speech tool is embedded into Course Player, MyDay, and Traditional View of eCourses. This tool includes tools for struggling or reluctant readers including a screen reader, dictionary, picture dictionary, translation, screen masking, screen magnification, and annotation tools.
Traditional View – This legacy view of eCourses is available for any grade level and displays the content of lessons in a table of contents format. Students can navigate between lessons easily by expanding or collapsing a lesson or unit, but do not have access to assessments in this view.
Translation – eCourse lesson page content can be translated into over 100 different languages using the SpeechStream Text-to-Speech tool embedded in any eCourse. The target language can be selected in the SpeechStream settings.
Writing Assignments - These assessments appear at designated points throughout the course and ask the student to demonstrate their understanding of the concepts through written, spoken, or project-based work. These assessment types may consist of system- or teacher-graded questions, or a combination of both.